Welcome to the Bounce Insights platform - we hope we can help make market research easy for you! This article will help you get from registration to submitting your first survey! 

When you first log in, you will be brought to the Home Page, from here, you can start scripting your survey in three different ways: 

How to create a survey: 

1. On the Home Page: There is a pink button on the bottom right-hand corner of your Home Page where you can click to begin your survey. 

2. My Surveys: Along the left-hand side, you can click on 'My Surveys'. You can now click 'Create a Survey' in the top right-hand corner. 

3. Survey Editor: The Survey Editor is located below 'My Surveys'. You can create a survey from scratch here or alternatively you can start by using one of the survey templates. 

Survey Scripting 

Once you have created your new survey, our survey scripting tool is very simple to use but if you want an overview of the entire tool, we have an article for just that! But to give you the knowledge you need to get started, here's a quick summary!

Along the top, you can see where you are in the progress of the survey creation workflow. 

There is also an option to 'Save Draft' - where you want to leave and come back to the survey, make sure you save the survey as a Draft so that you don't lose all the work you have already done! 

1. Create Questions 

You can type in your questions here, select your question types, and add new questions. 

Question Types: Explained

  • Open-text: This will allow the respondent to enter their own answer in their own words.
  • Dichotomous questions: The most common dichotomous question is the Yes/No question.  Dichotomous questions are useful for streaming respondents and creating conditional paths in your survey. Additionally, they are quick and easy for respondents to answer (if framed correctly).
  • Single choice: These are best used when trying to determine a respondent’s primary preference. Like a dichotomous question, it is quick and easy for a respondent to complete, especially on mobile. Single choice questions are also used for Likert scale questions. 
  • Likert Scale Question: This is a single choice question that uses a 5 point scale that ranges from one extreme attitude to another. Likert scales are widely used to measure attitudes and opinions with a greater degree of nuance than a simple “yes/no” question. An example of this would be determining a respondent’s level of agreement: Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Neither Agree or Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Strongly Disagree.
  • Matrix: Matrix questions collect multi-dimensional data. Each column can have sub-columns with a scale having opposites on its end. For each option in the row, the respondent needs to select one of the sub-columns. Most often, some form of a Likert scale is used in matrix questions. Generally, the sub-columns of a matrix question cover subtopics of a particular topic. Matrix questions are useful for reducing the length of our survey by linking similar questions with similar answer options.
  • Preference/Ranking: A ranking question asks respondents to order answer choices by way of preference. This allows you to not only understand how respondents feel about each answer option, but it also helps you understand each one’s relative popularity. Ranking questions are very useful for understanding the most important features/issues to a respondent and how they relate to each other, however they can take longer than the normal Likert or matrix question as respondents need to weigh the options. Therefore, you should only use a ranking question if it is necessary to know what respondents would prioritise.

  • Rating: These display a scale of answer options from any range (1 to 3, 1 to 10, etc.).

  • Slider: A slider question allows respondents to include into a numerical scale, ideal for responses that require a percentage or monetary value.

  • Image: These allow respondents to select one image from many options. This question type improves respondents’ survey experience and gives a break from answering all textual questions. They are ideal for gathering research on branding and advertising choices.

  • Date/Time: These question formats allow respondents to input a singular date/time or even a range of date/time as responses.

  • In-App Browser: This will allow you to link to another website, whether that be a YouTube video or a brand website. This works great for Pre/Post Campaign research.

  • Net Promoter Score: This is a pre-filled NPS question to ask consumers how likely they are to recommend your brand. An NPS question should only be asked by itself, with the exception of one follow-up question.

You are also able to add skip logic in your survey so that only certain respondents will answer specific questions. If you would like to understand how this works more in-depth, we have created a How-To article to bring you through the process!

Once you have created your survey, you can click 'Next' in the bottom right-hand corner to move to the next stage of the workflow. 

2. Audience 

This is where you will select the people that you wish to send this survey to. Here at Bounce, we offer you the ability to create your own Community - this allows you to create a bespoke audience that is pre-built into your account. 

To create your own audience, you will firstly need to select your Desired Responses - the most common being 500. However, if you ever want to check the feasibility of audience size, you can always contact our Account Managers. 

Targeting: This Targeting is free to set on your audience and this allows you to go to a Nationally Representative sample that sets quotas across Age, Gender, & Region. 

Advanced Targeting: This is where you can select to target your audience in more specific areas. For example, you can go to different cohorts such as Coffee Drinkers, Alcohol Drinkers, or Car Owners.

3. Details & Review

When you have selected the target audience you wish to go to, it's time to review. Here, you will add the title and description of your survey. It's important to remember that the Survey Title here is the one that is seen by the respondents. Here at Bounce, we call surveys Bundle so a good example of a title could be 'Ice Cream Bundle'. 

For the description, keep it simple, you just simply need to tell the user what the overall aim of the bundle is. 

'Understanding your thoughts and opinions on the different flavours of ice cream available!' would be a good example. 

On the Review page, you can also review what targeting you set on your audience and an overview of the price that this will cost. 

Once you are happy and ready to go, you can go to Checkout and submit your survey to use for review! 

Survey Review  

Once you have submitted your survey to Bounce for review, we will look over the survey and make sure everything is good to go. For the most part, once we have reviewed, the survey will be set live. However, in instances where we need to make changes, we will send back those changes for you to approve. 

You will receive an email informing you of these changes to be made and you will be able to accept them in 'My Surveys' under Pending. The status on the survey will be 'Changes Requested' 

To go through in more detail how this works, you can check out the article we have written! 

Survey Results 

Once we have set your survey live and cleaned all the data, the survey results will be ready for you to review. You will be notified by email when your results are ready. 

We have built our Results Dashboard to be user friendly but see below for a quick overview! 

1. Audience Breakdown: This will give an overview of your target audience - this will include any of the targeting that you set when setting up the survey! 

2. Filters: This will be where you are able to start analysing the data by filtering it by any of the targeting, question responses or by cross-tabulation. 

3. Results: 

This will be where you can see each question breakdown by percentages/absolute values. You are also able to download the report in both PDF and Excel format. We also allow for the downloading of the individual questions by Excel or PNG of the graph. Where you need a more in-depth overview of the Results Dashboard, we have created this for you! 

To watch our video tutorials which shows you how the Dashboard works, please feel to watch them here

If you have any questions/queries on the above or anything to do with the Bounce platform, you can always reach out to us at [email protected]