This article aids you where you wish to add media to a question/as an answer option. 

1. Adding an image to the question 

This will allow you to add an image to the question. To add this, simply click the 'Add Media' button below the question in the Survey Scriptor. 

This will produce a pop-up window that will allow adding an image from your desktop. It should be noted here that you are only able to add .PNG files as images and the file must be under 2MB in size. 

Image Description: This is the instruction that you wish to give to the user. Generally, this will be asking them to review the image and answer the questions that follow. But if you want them to look at something specific, this will be where you put that. 

Image Uploader: This will allow you to access your desktop to add the image to the question. 

Show Image before the question: When this is toggled on, this means that the image will appear for the user before they see the questions. 

Allow user to view image again: When this is toggled on, this will allow the user to reopen the image after they have seen the question following. 

Force user to view image for a certain amount of time: When this is toggled on, this will force the user to view the image for the number of seconds specified. We recommend 5 seconds. The user will not be able to click out of the image during this time. 

2. Adding an image as an answer option 

Where you want to have a number of images as answer options to a question. To do this, you simply click the 'Image' option on Question Type when editing your questions. 

For any further queries/questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]