This article covers how to set up skip logic when scripting your survey! 

1. Single Choice Skip Logic

Where a respondent answers a single choice question in a specific way, you are able to set these respondents on specific paths or to certain questions. You can select which question to skip to on the answer of the question beside each individual answer. 

2. Entire Question Skip Logic 

Where you wish to skip an entire question to a different question, you can do this by selecting the question you wish to skip to in the top right-hand corner of the question. 

You can view the Map View to allow you to see an overall flow of the survey with the skip logic included. This Map View is located in the bottom right-hand corner of the survey scripter. We also recommend also trying out the survey for yourself to ensure that the skip logic has been set up correctly. 

For further questions/queries, please contact us at [email protected]